Jessica Voge (PC 23)

Philanthropy Chairwomen

Cincinnati, OH

“Being a Phi Mu means everything to me! I cannot put into words just how truly grateful I am to be surrounding myself with such amazing girls every single day, and to be part of an organization that is so much bigger than us. When I think of Phi Mu I think of home. The community I have in this chapter is simply unparralleled. Whether it be from a meal in the house, to sisterhood events, Bible studies and small groups, intramural sports teams, participating in Charity Bowl and CASA, coaching CASA, touring and volunteering at our local philanthropy Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, working as Assistant Philanthropy and now Philanthropy Chairwoman, I am honored to have met and built so many beautiful friendships with the girls in my chapter who have created such a strong support system. As a childhood cancer survivor, being able to serve as Philanthropy Chair is my opportunity to give back to children's healthcare and help save other kids lives. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for people stepping up in the past to make a difference, so I will be forever grateful to Phi Mu for giving me this opportunity to make a difference for other children and their health needs. Serving in this position alongside my sisters has showed me just how amazing Phi Mu is, and how we make an impact where it matters most - saving and improving lives. Thank you Alpha Delta for everything you have given me and others 🩷.”